Hearing Aids: One or Two? An Insightful Guide to Making the Best Choice

Hearing aids are critical tools for those with hearing loss, amplifying sounds to improve auditory experiences. The decision between one or two hearing aids depends primarily on whether a person has unilateral or bilateral hearing loss.
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one or two hearing aids
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Hearing aids, crucial for those experiencing hearing loss, work by amplifying sounds but cannot restore normal hearing or entirely eliminate background noise. With various styles available, including completely in the canal (CIC) and behind the ear models, each type brings its own set of advantages and considerations such as size, visibility, and battery life [1]. Features like noise reduction, wireless connectivity, and rechargeable batteries further enhance the user experience, making hearing aids an essential tool for better hearing [1]. However, choosing between one or two hearing aids often depends on whether a person has unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, highlighting the importance of consulting with a hearing specialist to make an informed decision.

Before selecting hearing aids, it's advised to undergo a thorough hearing test by a specialist, who can then recommend the most suitable option based on the type and severity of the hearing loss, lifestyle needs, and manual dexterity. Technological advancements have also led to the availability of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids for those with mild to moderate hearing loss, offering a more accessible solution [2]. This guide aims to provide insights into making the best choice between one or two hearing aids, considering various aspects such as health insurance, financial assistance options, and the latest in hearing aid technology.

Understanding Hearing Loss

Hearing loss manifests in various forms and understanding its types and degrees is crucial for selecting the appropriate hearing aid. Here's a breakdown of the types and classifications of hearing loss:

Types of Hearing Loss:

types of hearing loss
conductive hearing loss
sensorineural hearing loss
mixed hearing loss
  1. Conductive Hearing Loss: Occurs when sound is blocked in the outer or middle ear. Common causes include earwax buildup, fluid in the middle ear, infections, and ruptured eardrums.
  2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Results from damage to the inner ear or nerve pathways from the ear to the brain, often irreversible. Causes range from aging, noise exposure, hereditary factors, to diseases like Meniere's and otosclerosis.
  3. Mixed Hearing Loss: A combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, involving both the outer/middle and inner ear.

Degrees of Hearing Loss:

degree of hearing loss
  • Mild: Soft sounds are hard to hear.
  • Moderate: Normal conversation is difficult to understand.
  • Severe: Only loud voices are barely audible.
  • Profound: Only very loud sounds are heard.

Classification Based on Timing and Laterality:

  • Pre-lingual vs. Post-lingual: Determines if the hearing loss occurred before or after speech development.
  • Unilateral vs. Bilateral: Hearing loss affecting either one ear or both ears.

For individuals with bilateral hearing loss, using two hearing aids is often recommended to ensure balanced hearing, which aids in better sound localization and understanding in noisy environments. However, for those with unilateral hearing loss, a single hearing aid may suffice, depending on their specific hearing needs and daily activities.

Understanding these nuances is essential when choosing between one or two hearing aids, as each type of hearing loss and its severity can significantly influence the effectiveness of the hearing aid. It's advisable to consult with audiologists who can provide detailed evaluations and recommend the most suitable hearing aids, considering the unique aspects of each individual's hearing loss. Moreover, FDA-approved over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids offer a convenient option for adults with mild-to-moderate hearing loss, simplifying the process of acquiring hearing assistance without a prescription.

Benefits of Two Hearing Aids

There are numerous benefits to wearing two hearing aids compared to just one, especially for individuals with bilateral hearing loss. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Sound Localization and Safety:
    • Sound Localization: Two hearing aids significantly improve the ability to determine the direction from which sounds are coming. This is crucial not only for everyday interactions but also for safety, as it helps in identifying potential dangers in the environment.
    • Safety Considerations: Better sound localization contributes to safer navigation in various settings, particularly in traffic or crowded places.
  2. Improved Speech Understanding and Listening Comfort:
    • Speech Clarity in Noise: Wearing two hearing aids helps in distinguishing speech from background noise, making conversations easier to follow in noisy environments. This is due to the binaural summation effect, where the brain combines auditory inputs from both ears to filter out unwanted noise.
    • Reduced Listening Effort: With both ears assisted, the strain of trying to hear with only one good ear is eliminated, reducing listening fatigue and making communication more enjoyable.
    • Music and Television: Enhanced auditory input from two hearing aids provides a richer and more balanced sound experience when listening to music or watching television.
  3. Preservation of Auditory Health and Function:
    • Auditory Deprivation: Using two hearing aids prevents the unaided ear from auditory deprivation, which can lead to deteriorated hearing ability over time.
    • Tinnitus Relief: For individuals experiencing tinnitus, using two hearing aids can provide more effective relief. The additional stimulation helps mask tinnitus sounds and makes them less noticeable.
    • Long-Distance Hearing: The ability to hear sounds from a distance is greatly improved, which is beneficial in various social and public scenarios.

These advantages underscore the importance of choosing dual hearing aids for those with hearing loss in both ears. It's essential for individuals to consult with an audiologist to assess their specific needs and determine the best auditory support, ensuring a balanced and effective hearing solution.

When is One Hearing Aid Sufficient?

Deciding between one or two hearing aids often hinges on the specific hearing loss condition of an individual. Here are scenarios when one hearing aid might be sufficient:

  • Unilateral Hearing Loss: If a person experiences hearing loss in only one ear while maintaining normal or nearly normal hearing in the other, a single hearing aid is typically adequate. This setup helps balance the hearing capabilities without unnecessary intervention in the ear that hears well.
  • Financial and Personal Considerations:
    • Cost Concerns: The decision to opt for one hearing aid may be influenced by budget constraints. Hearing aids can be expensive, and not all costs are covered by health insurance. In such cases, if one ear has significantly better hearing than the other, it might be economically sensible to aid only the impaired ear.
    • Trial Periods: For those uncertain about the benefits of dual hearing aids, many audiologists offer a trial period. This allows users to assess the difference in hearing with both one and two devices. If there is no noticeable improvement with two, they may choose to continue with a single hearing aid.
  • Real-Life Application and Professional Advice:
    • Case Example: Mark Pollard, a patient from the Berkeley Hearing Center, encountered single-sided hearing loss due to head trauma during his teens. By using a non-invasive hearing aid on the affected side, he noted a significant enhancement in his quality of life, demonstrating that one well-fitted hearing aid can be sufficient depending on the individual’s condition and lifestyle needs.
    • Audiologist Consultation: It is crucial to consult with a hearing professional who can evaluate the degree of hearing loss and lifestyle needs. This personalized assessment helps in making an informed decision about whether to use one or two hearing aids.

Choosing the right number of hearing aids is not just about addressing the auditory deficiency but also enhancing overall communication, safety, and quality of life. Each case should be considered individually, with professional guidance, to determine the most effective auditory support strategy.

Technological Advances in Hearing Aids

Technological advances in hearing aids have significantly enhanced their functionality and user experience. Modern devices incorporate a plethora of features tailored to improve hearing quality in various environments and cater to individual needs. Here are some of the key technological enhancements:

  • Automatic Sound Adjustment:
    • Environment-Based Processing: Modern hearing aids automatically adjust settings to optimize sound quality based on the surrounding environment, whether in a quiet room or a noisy street.
    • Directional Microphones and Noise Management: These features enhance speech understanding in noisy settings by focusing on the direction of the speaker and reducing background noise.
  • User Interactivity and Connectivity:
    • Smartphone Integration: Users can adjust volume and settings directly through smartphone applications, enhancing ease of use and accessibility.
    • Streaming Capabilities: Direct streaming of audio from devices such as smartphones and TVs is now possible, providing a seamless listening experience.
    • Feedback Cancellation: Advanced feedback suppression technologies eliminate annoying whistles and buzzes, ensuring clearer sound.
  • Innovative Designs and Specialized Functions:
    • Rechargeable Models: These eliminate the need for frequent battery replacements, offering convenience and cost savings.
    • Hearing Aid Styles and Customization: From discreet completely-in-the-canal models to more robust behind-the-ear designs, users can choose based on comfort, aesthetic preferences, and hearing needs.
    • Specialized Hearing Solutions: Devices like CROS and BiCROS hearing aids are designed specifically for unilateral or asymmetrical hearing loss, directing sound from the impaired ear to the better-hearing ear.

These technological advancements not only improve the auditory experience but also integrate health tracking and environmental awareness, bringing hearing aids closer to holistic health devices.

Professional Recommendations

Professional recommendations from audiologists are pivotal in determining whether one or two hearing aids are necessary, particularly when considering unilateral versus bilateral hearing loss. Here are the essential guidelines and practices advised by hearing specialists:

  • Trial and Customization:
    • Trial Basis: If an audiologist recommends two hearing aids but the individual is uncertain, they should inquire about using both on a trial basis. If no significant improvement is noticed with two, the option to return one should be available.
    • Custom Fitting: Hearing aids, whether Behind-the-Ear (BTE) or In-the-Ear (ITE), are tailored by audiologists to fit the unique contours of each ear and the specific hearing loss needs. BTE models are generally adaptable to most ears but might require some customization for optimal comfort and effectiveness. Conversely, ITE models are custom-molded to fit the ear perfectly.
  • Programming and Maintenance:
    • Prescriptive Adjustments: Hearing aids are programmed to a specific prescriptive level using real-ear measurements, which can be finely adjusted with computer software in the audiologist's office to suit individual hearing profiles.
    • Ongoing Care: Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and effectiveness of hearing aids. Proper care includes routine cleaning and checks to reduce the need for repairs. Audiologists often provide guidance on how to maintain and care for devices effectively.
  • Systematic Field Trials:
    • Field Testing: Audiologists may conduct systematic field trials, allowing patients to test both unilateral and bilateral fittings in their daily environments. This practical approach helps individuals directly compare the benefits of one versus two hearing aids in real-life scenarios.
    • Comprehensive Evaluations: It is essential to consult a hearing specialist for a thorough hearing evaluation. This assessment helps customize both the physical and acoustic fit of the device, ensuring it meets the individual's specific needs.

Here's a recommendation table of how many hearing aids you should be wearing.

One Hearing Aid Two Hearing Aids
Single-sided hearing loss Best Some cases use binaural contralateral transmission
Better ear Acceptable Best
Worse ear Poor Best
Both ears similar Acceptable Best
*This chart summarizes recommendations for different scenarios of hearing loss, considering the effectiveness of wearing one versus two hearing aids.

These professional recommendations are designed to ensure that individuals receive the most suitable and effective hearing aid configuration, enhancing their overall quality of life through improved hearing solutions.

Making the Right Choice for You

Making the right choice for your hearing aids involves considering a variety of factors to ensure you select a device that meets your specific needs. Here's a guide to help you navigate through the options:

  1. Evaluate Your Hearing Loss:
    • Audiogram Review: Start by examining your hearing test results. This will help determine whether you have unilateral (one ear) or bilateral (both ears) hearing loss, which significantly influences whether one or two hearing aids will be beneficial.
    • Hearing Aid Style and Features: Depending on the severity and type of your hearing loss, select from styles like completely-in-canal (CIC), behind-the-ear (BTE), or others. Features such as Bluetooth capabilities, feedback suppression, and noise-reduction should also be considered.
  2. Consider Lifestyle and Budget:
    • Functionality and Lifestyle Needs: Assess how the features of different hearing aids align with your daily activities. For instance, if you frequently attend social gatherings, look for advanced noise-reduction capabilities.
    • Budget Constraints: Hearing aids can vary significantly in price, from $99 to $7,000 per pair. Determine your budget early in the process and check what features you can get within your price range without compromising on quality.
  3. Trial and Adjustment Period:
    • Test Drive: Utilize the 30-day trial periods offered in many states to experience how the hearing aids work in your everyday environment. This is particularly important if you're trying to decide between one or two devices.
    • Fitting and Adjustments: Allow time for adjustments. Fitting by a specialist is crucial as it ensures the hearing aids are tailored to your ears and hearing needs. Remember, adapting to new hearing aids is a process that may require several fittings.

By carefully considering these factors and consulting with a specialist, you can make an informed decision that enhances your hearing and overall quality of life.


Navigating the choice between one or two hearing aids requires a nuanced understanding of an individual's hearing loss condition, be it unilateral or bilateral, and this article has aimed to provide a foundational understanding to guide that decision. The discussions outlined the critical importance of professional consultations and the respective benefits that hearing aids offer, whether for one or both ears. This pathway of knowledge underscores the essence of personalized auditory assistance in enhancing the quality of life for those with hearing impairments, highlighting the transformative potential of properly fitted hearing aids.

As we've traversed the complexities of hearing loss, the salient point remains that the journey toward optimal auditory support is both personal and profound. Deciding between single or dual hearing aids hinges on several factors including the type of hearing loss, lifestyle needs, and the advancements in hearing aid technology that cater to diverse needs. For individuals exploring options in hearing assistance, embarking on this journey with informed eyes opens up a world of auditory enhancement. Discover OTC hearing aids options at the Mimitakara shop to find a solution tailored to your unique needs, marking a step towards improved hearing and enriching the soundscape of your life.


1. Should I wear one or two hearing aids?

It is generally recommended to wear two hearing aids if you have hearing loss in both ears, known as bilateral hearing. Using two devices helps you hear better and allows your brain to more easily distinguish and process sound signals from both ears.

2. What are the most popular styles of hearing aids currently?

The most popular types of hearing aids include:

  • Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) hearing aids, which fit behind the ear with a receiver connected to the earpiece.
  • In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids.
  • Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids.
  • Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids. These styles cater to different needs and preferences, offering a range of options for users.

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